




俗语的引用:As the saying goes:“If you want, everything will become good”(俗话说:只要你愿意,一切都会变得美好!)


众所周知:As is known to us all:"   "

It is universally acknowledged that +句子(全世界都知道)


 It is…that 句型

例如:You should take care of (关心)poor students.

变为强调句:It is poor students that you should take care of .



在句中论述正反方面的,On the one hand,+所需表达的句子;On the other hand, +所需表达的句子,(意思是“一方面……另一方面”),紧接着可以用“From my point of view(就我而言)”,接着论述题目中要求的部分。


 Generally speaking(总得说来);

 In a word(一言以蔽之);

 In conclusion(总而言之);



⒈Have a great influence on sth. (对……有重要影响)

例句:Religion has a great influence on man’s behavior.

⒉It takes sb some time to do sth

例句:It takes me three hours to finish the homework.

⑹ There is no doubt (that)子句


  There is no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country.

⑺ 根据我个人经验,…

  According to my personal experience,…

  Based on my personal experience,…

  From my point of view,…


  According to my personal experience,smile has done me a lot of good.


你是 Alice,你的朋友 Bonnie 很快就要到你的乡间小屋拜访,但你却要出去一会儿。留一


May 18,2002

Dear Bonnie

I will be away for a while. The key to the cottage is under the doormat,and the

food is in the refrigerator. After entering the house,lock the door from inside at

once. The cottage is far away from the nearest town,and the area is not quite safe

from burglars. So I think the saying is right “Where there is precaution,there is

no danger”.

Have a nice stay here.






Dear Club Manager:

I am writing to ask to join your club to enjoy my free time.

I am a clerk. I often feel tense and become tired easily. Perhaps, I need to

relax myself a bit. I hope to become a member of your club. I have many hobbies and

interests. For example, I like photography, calligraphy and painting, dancing and

singing. And I like going fishing, collecting stamps and raising flowers. Besides,

I am good at playing Chinese chess and cards. Please write back and tell me if there

are some formalities that I will have to go through.

Thank you very much in advance.

Looking forward to your reply.




你是 Helen,要写一封信给 Julie,对她和她的丈夫昨日请你和你丈夫吃饭表示感谢,表示


Dear Julie

Thank you very much for the dinner that you invited my husband and I to yesterday.

The food not only looked and smelled fabulous but tasted great,and my husband and

I enjoyed it very much. Therefore,we would like to invite you to dinner at 7 p.m.

this Friday at the Northwest Chinese restaurant to return your kindness and


Please do come.


你是王萍,写一封信给 Jefferson 先生。信件的内容包括:

1、 一个月前,他邀请了你到他家过圣诞节。



January 22,2005

Dear Mr. Jefferson:

I am writing to thank you for your kindness and hospitality I enjoyed during

my stay in your place.

It is very kind of you to invite me to spend my Christmas holiday in your palace

last month. The room you arranged for me in your house was quiet, clean and

comfortable. The food was very delicious. And visits to local scenic spots were

really wonderful. They have not only broadened my horizon, but also enriched my

experience. By the way, if it is convenient for you, please come over and spend your

Spring Festival this year in my place.

Thank you very much again.


Wang Ping


你的朋友 Glad 要从另一个城市来看你。你将到机场去接他。但出于某种原因,你不能去了,


May 18,2004

Dear Glad

I am writing to say that I will not be able to meet you at the airport next Monday


This morning my boss asked me to go to Shanghai on business tomorrow. It is

something very important for our company and I will have to go. By the way, I will

be back within 10 days. When you arrive, please take Bus No.345 and get off at the

East Bus Station. The station is not far from my house and you will find my house

easily. My mother is always at home. I told my mother that you would come already.

Looking forward to seeing you.


Li Ming



1. 向她表示歉意;

2. 解释你的原因;

3. 提出把约会时间推后三天;

4. 写上一句你认为有必要写的话

January 2, 2005

Dear Li Qing:

I am writing to say I’m sorry that I will not be able to go for the appointment

at 4:00 p.m. on Monday next week.

This morning I got an urgent phone call from my boss in Guangzhou, and he asked

me to flight there at once to join him in an important business negotiation. The

Negotiation has something to do with the future of our company. I will have to stay

there for about a week. I hope to postpone the appointment for three days till

Thursday next week. Phone me and let me know if it is O.K. to you. My apologies again.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Your friend

Gao Ming



1. 什么使你受不了

2. 你受到了什么影响

3. 希望他做些什么

December 28, 2004

Dear Apartment Management Officer:

I am writing to complain about my neighbor Mr. Black.

Mr. Black lives next door to me, and he disturbs my life. He has a party almost

every day. During these parties, people are making a lot of noise. They are dancing,

laughing and shouting. They often do such silly things till early morning. What’

s more, when they have drunk too much, they often quarrel and fight against each

other. I can’t put up with all these. I can’t sleep well at night and my kid can’

t concentrate on his studies. Please tell Mr. Black to stop all these things and

respect others privacy.

Looking forward to your reply.


Wang Meng




May 19,2002

Dear Professor Wang

On behalf of the Student Union of the English Department, I am writing to invite

you to give a lecture on Chinese history.

We have planned to have such a lecture at 2:30 p. m. in Lecture Hall 419, on

May 25.

Looking forward to your lecture. Inform us in advance if you can not come.

Sincerely yours

Li Ping





The Bicycle in China

The bicycle is the most popular means of transportation in China. China is a

country “on

bicycle wheels“。 People ride them for various purposes such as going to and

from school and work. Bicycles are very cheap and easy to buy in China.

There are many advantages to riding a bicycle. First,using a bicycle can greatly

help reduce the air pollution in many big cities. Second, people can improve their

health by riding a bicycle.

The future of bicycle will be bright. In some European countries, city governments

have arranged pedestrians to use “public bicycles” to travel round the city center

free of charge.





Fake Commodities

Fake and poor quality commodities are a serious problem. Many things can be faked

such as soybean sauce, vinegar, bicycles, and many other things. The interests

of consumers are affected, and many enterprises keep losing money because of cheap

fake commodities.

There are some reasons for such a phenomenon. The major one is the desire of

some people to “make easy money”。 These people think nothing of the law of the

protection of intellectual property rights.

To get rid of fake and poor quality commodities,the government should educate people

to obey the law of the protection of individual intellectual property rights and

not to sell any fake goods. The government should punish severely and close down

all the factories producing fake goods.


男女应该平等吗?(Should Men and Women Be Equal?)

Should Men and Women Be Equal

People have different ideas this issue, Some people say that men are superior to

women in ability because men are physically stronger, do most of the hard labor

in the world and hold most important positions. Other people believe that women have

the ability to compete with men. There have been many famous women state leaders

and great scientists in the world. We should fully carry out the principle “to each

according to his work” so that the enthusiasm of both men and women for work can

be fully aroused.





Where to live —in the City or in the Country

Some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages. They think

there are more job opportunities in cities, life there is more colorful and

meaningful than that in the country,and there are more modern conveniences in cities

for people to enjoy.

But some other people prefer to live in the countryside. They say life in the

countryside is closer to nature and better for their health, life there is quieter

and that country people are more honest than city people.

I would like to live in a city when I am young to earn enough money and I live in

the countryside when I am old for having a quite life.


金钱是一切吗?In Money Everything?

I don‘t think money is everything, but we can’t do without it. Fox example, money

can‘t buy us happiness and a good education. And for another example, money can’t

buy us good health and a long life. But we can not live without money. We need it

for our daily necessities such as food, clothes and transportation. What‘s more,

we need it to live a better life. In short, we should learn the value of money and

make the most of its advantages.


1 你喜欢什么运动

2 你如何喜欢上这种运动

3 运动对你有什么益处(工作、学习和生活)

Just as lots of teenagers take to pop music, I love basketball. It’s part of

my life. I began to play basketball in my childhood. I still remember the good old

days when I played with my classmates after school. Later on, as I grew up, almost

everything changed, but this sport---playing basketball remained and my love of it

grew even stronger.

I love this sport because it brings joys and health to my life. When I got tired

from office work, I went to the sports ground and felt refreshed. If there were

worries and cares from daily life, I went to the sports ground. There everything

went away except basketball. It is basketball that keeps me in good shape and mood.



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